group of women standing on green grass field during daytime

Inspire Academy

Our Mission

At Inspire Academy, we are committed to cultivating a nurturing and inclusive atmosphere that honors the distinctiveness of every student. Our mission is to ignite success by nurturing a passion for learning, fostering social and emotional development, and instilling a mindset geared towards college, career, and entrepreneurship. We equip neuro-diverse learners with the tools and knowledge to excel in an ever-evolving world. By recognizing and cherishing each student's unique strengths, we empower them to achieve their fullest potential.

Who We Serve

Inspire Academy is a progressive 4th-12th grade Microschool located in Greater Phoenix, Arizona. Founded with a deep commitment to inclusion, social and emotional learning, entrepreneurship, and community engagement, our school transforms lives of families and students.

Inspire Academy serves families seeking a unique and tailored educational experience for their children. Our specialized programs cater to neuro-diverse learners, embracing diversity and providing a supportive environment. Whether your child thrives in hands-on projects or benefits from personalized learning paths, Inspire Academy is committed to meeting the individual needs of each student.

Our Educational Philosophy

Empowering Futures through Transformative Education at Inspire Academy

Step into the world of Inspire Academy, a cornerstone of transformative education nestled in Greater Phoenix, Arizona. Our commitment to academic excellence and holistic growth shapes the very essence of who we are. At Inspire Academy, education is more than a curriculum; it's a transformative journey that empowers students to excel academically and personally. Our dedication to academic excellence is unwavering, with programs designed to challenge and inspire, instilling a love for learning that propels students toward their highest potential. We believe in nurturing the whole individual, fostering not just academic brilliance but also essential life skills, resilience, empathy, and a comprehensive worldview.

Recognizing the uniqueness of each learner, we embrace personalized learning paths that cater to individual needs and interests. This approach empowers students to take ownership of their education, promoting autonomy and self-discovery. Social-emotional learning is seamlessly integrated into our curriculum, ensuring that students develop interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence crucial for success in both school and life. In a world where technology is ever-advancing, Inspire Academy stays ahead by seamlessly integrating it into our programs. We provide students with the tools and skills necessary to navigate the digital landscape, preparing them for the future. Our commitment to inclusivity extends to neuro-diverse learners, offering specialized programs that provide a supportive environment for every student.

A Day in the life of an Inspire student

Hours of Attendance

Inspire Academy's regular hours of operation are Monday through Friday, from 8:30 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. while enrichment classes are from 2:00 P.M. to 3:30 P.M. It's important to note that students must leave the premises promptly after closing time, as Inspire Academy is not responsible for the care or supervision of students beyond program closing time.

Enrollment Days

By enrolling in a 3 Day, 4 Day, or 5 Day plan, families also select their attendance days. The 3 Day plan has default days of Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The 4 and 5 day plan defaults to days agreed upon by the family and Director. Inspire Academy Coaches plan ahead for students based on their enrollment, as such these attendance days must remain consistent week-over-week. Alternate days are available on a first-come-first-served basis and subject to availability.

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    Nurturing Individuality, Inspiring Success!

    Meet Our Director

    I, Irishia Reed Williams, am a passionate advocate for inclusive education and empowering parents to participate in their children's educational journey actively. With a background in special education and a deep commitment to supporting children with diverse needs, I have dedicated my career to promoting awareness, collaboration, and positive change in the field of special education. With over 20 years of experience as an educator, including 15 years as a Certified Education and Program Specialist, I have developed and cultivated an inclusive environment where students (of all ages) with varying abilities learn to thrive. This includes the teaching and training of students and teachers from preschool through adult learners with varying needs, including, but not limited to: Autism, learning disabilities, other health impairments, intellectual disabilities, and emotional disturbance just to name a few.

    Through my educational consulting company, Educational Ties, it serves as the parent company overseeing two specialized branches, The Special Ed Hub and Inspire Academy, each catering to distinct aspects of education and support for students with learning differences. Our mission is to serve as a unifying force, offering specialized resources, guidance, and support through its distinct branches to address the diverse educational needs of students with learning differences. By bridging the gap between education, advocacy, and specialized teaching, I endeavor to create a supportive and empowering environment for students, parents, caregivers, and students alike.

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    Inspire Academy of Schools LLC